BRIDGES UK Hub at the Learning Planet Festival

The UNESCO BRIDGES Hub at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David contributed to the UNESCO BRIDGES sessions at the Learning Planet Festival with the following two events:

1. “What language do the things of the world speak?”

When? 27 January 2023 at 5 p.m. CET

What? In this Sensory Anthropology workshop, organised by the BRIDGES UK Hub at UWTSD, we used a selection of understandings associated with water, air and plants to stimulate discussion on how paying attention redraws understandings of the world and can transform your understanding of how to be human.

2. The Kogi and Munekan Masha

When? 27 January 2023 at 6 p.m. CET

What? In this session, organised by the BRIDGES UK Hub at UWTSD and the Tairona Heritage Trust, we explored the Munekan Masha project, a project devised and designed by the Kogi indigenous people of Colombia. The project requires conventional environmental scientists to learn Kogi conservation methods.