Learning Dimensions of Youth-Led Climate Action: European & Arab Region perspectives in two reports

What are the learning needs and dimensions of youth-led climate action?

The BRIDGES Coalition celebrated the International Day of Education at the LearningPlanet Festival in 2023, together with partner project People & Planet, in a co-sponsored session on the learning dimensions of youth-led climate action in a cross-regional perspective.

Foregrounding the findings of the reports ‘European Youth and Climate Change: A Community Baseline’ (People & Planet) and ‘Regional Report on Knowledge for Youth-led Climate Action in the Arab Region’ (UNESCO), this session also highlighted the experiences of FELCOS Umbria’s partners from Palestine and Kurdistan.

Learn more about both reports, and the insights they yielded, in the video of this interactive session from the festival!

#BRIDGES #PeopleAndPlanet #UNESCO #ClimateAction #YouthAction