Mbessa Kingdom Creates Pioneer Indigenous Commission for Future Generations and Sustainability in Cameroon and Africa

Posted in Blog on Nov 01, 2024.

Mbessa Kingdom Creates Pioneer Indigenous Commission for Future Generations and Sustainability in Cameroon and Africa

Author: Dr Nsah Mala

The Commission created by His Majesty Foyn Gilbert Njong III, King of Mbessa, Patron and Ex Officio Member, is tasked with embedding anticipatory and long-term governance based on foresight and futures thinking; building peace; promoting sustainable development; fighting climate change and protecting biodiversity and cultural diversity; ensuring the wellbeing of present and future generations of humans and nonhumans, among others.

It comprises initially of 13 members drawn from indigenous administration, modern administration, development associations like MADA, language committee, youth groups, women and men groups, research and academia.

The Chair of Commission is Faay Ntumfoyn Dr Nsah Mala, a son of Mbesa who is an international expert in matters of arts, literature and culture; environmental humanities; sustainability science; wellbeing economy; foresight and futures thinking; long-term governance and future generations.

Dr Nsah Mala is working with numerous academic institutions and organisations such as UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Coalition and School of International Futures (SOIF) to promote the implementation of the UN Pact for the Future and Declaration on Future Generations across the world using a whole-of-society approach. This includes many engagements at the local, regional, national, continental and global levels.

Dr Nsah Mala and his team are available to support the initiation and implementation of similar structures in other indigenous Kingdoms, municipal councils, regional councils, academic institutions, civil society organisations, ministries, national assemblies, presidencies, etc. in Cameroon, Africa & beyond.

The Mbessa Commission comes shortly after the Pre-Summit National Consultation at the Ministry of External Relations (MINREX), Cameroon, and UN Summit of the Future in New York, in September 2024, while we await the appointment of UN Special Envoy for Future Generations.

Drawing on the UN Declaration on Future Generations, Wales Protocol on Future Generations, SOIF Handbook for Implementing the UN Declaration on Future Generations, and other initiatives in Africa (Cameroon, Kenya...), Europe (Wales-UK, Finland...) and elsewhere, the Mbessa Commission is poised to collaborate & contribute its own quota to such important issues as Youth Empowerment, Health and Wellbeing, Future Generations, Long-term Governance, Peace Building Climate Action, Biodiversity Protection, Sustainable Development, etc.

More details of the Mbessa Commission on Future Generations and Sustainability can be seen in the photo below, in a report by The Guardian Post Daily.

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