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Posted in News on Jul 22, 2024.
Funding secured for MESH BRIDGES Autumn Academy for Planetary Wellbeing from the EUniWell 6th seed funding call.
Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH) UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Thematic Hub for Planetary Wellbeing, University of Cologne, secured a €20,000 funding grant from the EUniwell 6th seed funding call, enabling the EUniwell MESH BRIDGES Autumn Academy for Planetary Wellbeing.
The EUniWell MESH BRIDGES Autumn Academy for Planetary Wellbeing takes place on 14–19 October 2024, along with the Annual MESH Symposium 2024 | Multispecies Conviviality October 17–19 2024.
The Autumn Academy will address wellbeing at a time of global biodiversity loss, climate disruption, and environmental degradation, through the lens of a planetary perspective, encompassing multispecies conviviality. The aim is to address these global issues by exploring multispecies conviviality in urban more-than-human environments, with the view to enhancing planetary wellbeing.
EUniWell partners will participate with graduate students and senior researchers who will act as mentors, leading multidisciplinary thematic working groups based on their research expertise.
The Seed Funding Programme
The EUniWell Seed Funding Programme aims to promote collaborative, grassroots projects initiated by researchers, students, teachers and administrative staff from our universities.
The scheme supports initiatives which are in line with EUniWell’s core mission: To understand, measure, rebalance and improve the well-being within universities and society as a whole. The Seed Funding Programme contributes to further deepening our mutual bonds and creating innovative ideas to foster well-being, enhance existing collaborations between EUniWell partners, or initiate new ones.
Projects can address EUniWell’s core commitment to advance well-being in health, education, society, institutional transformation, environment, social and gender equality and/or social and cultural diversity and inclusion.
For more information on the EUniWell MESH BRIDGES Autumn Academy for Planetary Wellbeing: